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About Us

Why LLF?

Our Philosophy

We bring a new approach to innovation for sustainability, based on a set of beliefs and values making our identity.

Our values also match the ones of IxSA Manifesto.

Our identity is to have specific approaches to impact, the role of science, and the need for more decentralized governances.

Intentionality is our cornerstone

We highly value the importance of an honest intentionality when dealing with sustainability. There is a difference between a business model fueling an intentional impact, and a story of impact serving a business model.

Most companies express their Environmental, Social and Economical impact ambition. Sustainable organizations choose coherent Business Models to fuel it, and Governance Models to drive it.

New tailored models: Let’s breed Zebras, not hunt for (Green) Unicorns

Impact startups – we call them Zebras – struggle to emerge as their acceleration journey is different from traditional startups. Therefore, the traditional model of acceleration and financing does not work.

The game here is about breeding: making sure the most startups reach the growth stage; just because they all represent a potential solution for our future.

This is why our programs match Initiators, who bring the purpose and need, with Innovators, who bring the solutions. 

Glocalization: Bridging the local and global

To reduce our footprint, we need to localize the Physical: goods, value creation, and Globalize the Immaterial: Knowledge, Science, Capital.

Leveraging global expertises to the service of local economies is what we do.

Small is beautiful: Opportunity management vs Risk management

We value small projects, lean prototyping approaches, trials and errors. The challenge is huge, large global projects will not be sufficient: We also need to build solutions bottom-up. We need to support more early stage and local entrepreneurship.

We need to try many options and think outside the box. This is why our projects always favour involving local players and partnerships before expanding to regional and global.

Stay under the radar to tackle a problem, seek global support to scale a solution.

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